2022. Four years after Leather Teeth, a phenomenal introduction to the bloody and electric adventures of young Bret, Carpenter Brut unveils the sequel: Leather Terror.
The second part of what is to become a trilogy (a new one after the one composed of EP I, II and III, but also – according to its author- the last one. This second part is obviously more ala Terminator 2 and Aliens (stronger, bigger, cooler) than Die Hard 2. Here there’s no repetition, no purring. While Leather Teeth was meant to be more glam rock in spirit, nicer, like Bret its character, in his new opus Carpenter Brut- in the space of twelve tracks- tells the story of the rise of a serial killer who wants to take revenge on all those who mistreated him when he was younger.
A wild record? Yes, without any doubt (it’s a compliment), just like himself, his concept, but also his public, swelling the pit in trance at each concert with his energy which could supply electricity -what else?- to entire cities. But an album well thought out and pondered. There was no choice: “after spending much of 2018 touring, I had decided to take a long break to compose the new album of the trilogy. The pandemic confirmed that my choice to stay home was the right one. I ended up taking over a year and a half to compose this album. I made a lot of decisions with the time I had that I wouldn’t have had time to make if the pandemic hadn’t happened.” With, in these uncertain times, a guideline and a goal to achieve: “to make the whole thing as massive as possible. There is no guitar on this album. I did everything with synths. Even though I didn’t know exactly how I wanted the album to sound at first, I knew I wanted it to be massive and violent.”
Massive. Violent, yes. But inviting. Rarely enough to be mentioned Leather Terror features a significant number of guests. Alex Westaway of the English band Gunship gives voice on The Widow Maker (“a rather particular hybrid timbre”), Ben Koller of Converge and Jonka of Tribulation appear on the eponymous track which closes the story. Greg Puciato from the late post hardcore band The Dillinger Escape Plan, the Norwegian band Ulver and Kathrine Shepard from the band Sylvaine are also on board as well as Persha – a Parisian singer – who directly contacted Carpenter Brut to initiate a collaboration.
LEATHER TERROR OUT APRIL 1st, 2022 – PRE-ORDERS & PRE-SALES https://carpenterbrut.lnk.to/LeatherTerror_cbltrrr
Redaction and interview by Nico Prat – 2018